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Progressive Rock CD Reviews

Electric Peace

Shoot Me!!!

Review by Gary Hill

I know people might argue with me about putting this under progressive rock. I bet the band would be among those people. Even though I haven't put their other music under that heading, this time I think it makes sense. For one thing, if you take the vocals away, pretty much every song here has some prog elements, and some are very much in line with old-school prog, but done lo-fi. The vocals push it toward angrier, punky zones, but that just adds to the experimental nature of this musical beast. Call it what you like, but this is compelling and intriguing. The band's sound is unique, even if it won't be the right fit for everyone.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Shoot Me
There is a cool retro sound to the musical arrangement on this. It has some funk and some almost proggy things at play. The vocals are more angry, as the cover of the album suggests. Yet, the instrumental breaks are pure old school prog.
Prince of Death on the Freeway
That same retro proggy concept is on the menu here. This thing reminds me a little of Deep Purple in some ways. The guitar solo and instrumental section that contains it is very much along the lines of Deep Purple to me. That said, it turns into some pure prog rock beyond that for a while before getting into more Deep Purple like zones again.
Motorcyclist Down
There is a traffic update about a motorcyclist down as this gets underway. The music powers in frantic, heavy and again heavily  on the Deep Purple side of the equation.
Scar for Life
This pounds in with a lot of fuzz in the mix. It has an almost Allman Brothers vibe to it. There are some serious bits of psychedelia in the mix at times. The guitar soloing again calls to mind the Allmans.
You Hear Them Coming
Distortion laden, this rocker definitely makes me think of The Doors. It's a classy number that again gets into proggy territory. The number works out toward space rock near the end.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
That Doors thing is on the menu here. This still has some definite prog in the mix, too. There is some noisy guitar soloing later that somehow manages to reinforce the prog concept. It moves away from that Doors kind of thing as it intensifies and drives upward with passion and power later.
Every Night I Pray to God that I Die
While this is more of a driving hard rocking number with more of a punky edge, this does have some more proggy things that are heard via the organ later. Still, this is the least proggy thing here. It's also the most Dead Kennedys-like number.
I'm a Fly - RAW
Another that has some Deep Purple sort of tendencies. This one is less proggy than some of the rest, even leaning toward metal at times. Yet, the instrumental section does have a prog-like leaning in some ways.
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