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Non-Prog CD Reviews

Easy Bees

Easy Bees

Review by Gary Hill

This is a set of music that has a real vintage pop rock sound to it. There is a decent range and variety here. It's not the most original or unique thing I've heard, but it's largely done well. The closest comparisons would be to powerpop and The Traveling Wilburys.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Diamond Ideals
There is a real cheery pop rock vibe to this cut as it gets going. The vocals make me think of Bob Dylan to some degree, making this feel a little like the Traveling Wilburys.
Two Steps Forward One Step Back
A little slower and more reflective, this has many of the same reference points as the opener did. The other one leaned more on energized pop rock, while this seems closer to the folk rock side of things.
Away From My Hometown
The sound on the percussion doesn't seem to work that well on this. It makes this feel more amateurish. Beyond that, we get more folk rock. There is some country leaning guitar sound on the number.
I've Got Soul
This has some real powerpop vibes. It's more effective than everything to this point. It's a fun and accessible track with a lot of Beatles in the mix.
John and David
The Beatles and powerpop are both on display here, too. This has a real vintage pop rock vibe to it. The overly repetitive chorus really grates in me after a while, though.
Mind is Rolling
This is the hardest rocking thing here. It has some edgy guitar sound. It's a driving rocker. They still manage some Beatles-like breaks and hooks, though.
This is another that rocks out more. It has some catchy edges to it, too. It's a cool tune with a little bit of a punky, emo vibe to it.
Our Town
There are some country angles and a lot of folk rock in the mix here. It's another solid piece.
Golden Hour Radio
Soft rock with some folk angles is the order of business here. This is another that works well, but doesn't really stand out.
I'm Aware
More of a soft-rock pop thing drives this cut. It doesn't work as well for me as a lot of the rest do. There is just something that feels a little awkward about it. The percussion on this one has that same kind amateur recording sound that we heard on "Away From My Hometown." If there's a song to skip here, this is it.
The pop rock stylings and energy on this tune both work well, setting it up as one of the most effective songs here. I really dig the melodic guitar soloing on the song, too.
Living in a Nightmare
No molds were broken here. This is the same kind of retro pop rock we've heard through much of the album. I find some of the keyboards sounds to be a little cheesy, though. Still, it's another competent entry. That said, I think I would have chosen something a little stronger as the album closer.


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