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Review by Larry Toering

When Keith Relf essentially put this band together he was obviously looking way beyond the blues to do something that was actually different. Along with members of Captain Beyond and Renaissance he achieved something rare to this day. But not to dwell on that, it's always interesting to listen to the entire album, as it is both a prog and fusion lovers delight. They took things where a lot of bands went on to go in progressive rock, but sadly didn't make it to a follow-up. But there is a lot to take in for just one release, so perhaps they outdid themselves.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2013  Volume 2 at

Track by Track Review
This is probably considered their best track, but then with only one album it isn't that hard to really distinguish such a thing. Killer stuff, no matter how you look at it, a brilliant piece to reckon with. The musicianship displayed is second to none, and in the rock vein of bands like Rush, yet it also contains an Allman Brothers appeal, with some of the to be expected killer harp work of Keith Relf. Everyone shines remarkably well here on this great instrumental.
Silver Tightrope

I always loved the soft acoustic approach of this. It has a soothing vibe that won't quit. The vocals are sublime as well. This is a thing of absolute beauty and perfection, that ends with some great guitar work. The whole tune is carried along by some excellent percussion.

Paths And Pains And Future Gains
This gets more vocal, and it doesn't hurt what's going on musically, in fact it ups things a notch, at least on this one track. The guitar picks up once again on this, as well.
Last Stand Before

Once again the harp work is featured to a maximum degree, and it becomes a highlight of the whole band on this excellent number. Most of the album does have a psychedelic sound, but the harp helps it transport to the future very well.

Basking In The White Of The Midnight Sun
This is the big number of the album, where everything gets as complex as it possibly can. There are several titles going under one subtitle in two parts, so to describe it would be almost like doing a thesis. And being a concept album, it still plays like all one track with no division between the parts. This is so good it could be an entire album itself, even at just over eleven minutes running. It really is a mind blowing musical exercise.
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