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Dust in the Wind (Digital Single)

Review by Josh Turner

What Magellan has produced should slacken the stickiest fan from the mud as they’ve created something new and fresh while keeping its best parts. Kansas’ version is down-to-earth and folksy whereas Magellan’s take on the classic is psychedelic, syrupy, and spacey; giving the timeless song a modern feel. Replacing instruments with synths, “Dust in the Wind” is given a makeover that will even impress skeptics of digital reproduction.

This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012  Volume 3 at

Track by Track Review
Dust in the Wind

From the sonic tapestry established in the beginning to its conclusive chill, the music is equally mellow but done so in a different way. Likewise, Rob Lopez’ husky voice has a quality that’s uncannily similar to Steve Walsh. His delivery is distinguishable, but there are moments that are close enough to question whether or not he’s the genuine artifact.


Arguably, Kansas’ “Dust in the Wind” is the most significant acoustic rock song of all-time. While mimicry is the highest form of flattery, there are fine lines between all-out copycatting and exploiting the source for a shameless plug that bear no resemblance. Perpetrating neither sin, Magellan finds its mark through an endless sea of dreary droplets; creating a cover that shall carry on like a monolith amidst the music industries’ incessant tempests.

(Editor's Note - Music Street Journal is set up for the allocation of albums, not singles - particularly not one-song singles. So, in the instances, like this one, where we've covered single song releases, we've had to make some adaptations for formatting. In the case of this one, just imagine both track review and overall review reading as one set of copy. )

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