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Sara Caswell

The Way to You

Review by Gary Hill
While this is listed as jazz music, I think that might be a little less than completely accurate. Sure, jazz is a diverse style, and its boundaries are open to interpretation. Also, some of this clearly fits under that heading. I think this is less confined than the “jazz label” suggests. In fact, I’d consider a lot of this to be closer to classical music. However, you slice it, though, this is an intriguing instrumental set that has some unique music within its length.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2025  Volume 1. More information and purchase links can be found at:
Track by Track Review
South Shore

This comes in gradually and works out to some great melodic jazz music. It feels kind of proggy at times, and I love the violin work on this thing. This is all class.


Acoustic guitar gets this underway here. The cut grows outward gradually from there. The violin delivers a lot of cool and melody as this number grows, but remains fairly mellow. This does get pretty intense at times, and I really dig the bass work on the piece a lot.    

7 Anéis

Violin gets things going here in up-tempo way. The number works out from there. There is some great jamming on this. The track seems to lean more on the world music end of the spectrum. It also includes a short drum showcase.

On My Way to You

Feeling more atmospheric as it gets underway, this gradually evolves from there. Somewhat quieter than some of the rest here, this features some killer guitar work. It’s a classy number that has a lot of classical music in the mix. Violin and guitar provide the bulk of the magic here.


I love the driving, proggy jazz jamming on this thing. The track has some great interplay between the various instruments, but the violin is positively on fire. There is also some smoking hot guitar work here.

Warren’s Way

There is a healthy helping of classical music in the mix on this slow moving and evocative piece.

Last Call

Drums and bass bring this piece into being. It is experimental in nature with a rather art music vibe to it.


There is so much cool jazz underway on this thing that it might be illegal. The vibes are a great touch. The violin shines, too. Then again, everything about this is a great. This one of the most effective tracks here. Given the competition, that says a lot.

O Que Tinha de Ser

The first section of this centers on the violin and has a very classical music vibe to it. The acoustic guitar brings some jazzy stylings as it takes the showcase. Then the two instruments work together as this again feels more classically based.


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