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Laura Meade

Interviewed by Gary Hill

Interview with Laure Meade from 2018


Can you catch the readers up on the history of your involvement in music – sort of a "highlight reel?"

Music has been a part of my life since I was born. I come from a very musical family, so there was singing and guitar playing at every family event. Once I entered grade school, I became involved musicals, and a passion developed that continues to this day. I majored in vocal performance in college, and upon graduation I was fortunate to be employed as a singer in many different capacities: from cruise ships and a children’s theater tour to jingles to main stage shows at various theaters on Long Island. Singing with my husband (John Galgano) in Izz is one of my favorite musical outlets – one that has encouraged my songwriting through the years.
MSJ: Who would you see as your musical influences?
Sarah MacLachlan, Jonatha Brooke, Jennifer Kimball, The Story, The Roches, Sufjan Stevens, Nickel Creek, Izz, Baroque, Gregorian Chant, The American Songbook
MSJ: What's the best thing that's ever been said about your music?
Someone recently told me that they listen to my album when they wake up, and it helps set the tone for their day. What an honor!
MSJ: What's ahead for you?
I’m sure we will be playing some more live shows in support of Remedium, and then I will continue to record for the new Izz album. I’ve also already begun thinking about musical and lyric ideas for my next album.
MSJ: I know many artists hate to have their music pigeonholed or labeled, but how would you describe your music?
Art rock with singer-songwriter, musical theater and indie pop influences. I also can’t help but have some prog in there!
MSJ: Are there musicians with whom you would like to play in the future?
Sufjan Stevens, I’m With Her, Nickel Creek
MSJ: Do you think that illegal downloading or streaming of music is a help or hindrance to the careers of musicians?
It is a double-edged sword. Illegal downloading must be stopped as much as it can be. As far as streaming, which is legal, it comes at a price to the artist. We all want out music to be heard and enjoyed, but to be able to continue to create, there needs to be fair compensation.
MSJ: In a related question, how do you feel about fans recording shows and trading them or posting them online?
I completely understand recording a live performance for your own enjoyment, and I very much appreciate when someone reaches out to me before posting and allows me veto power. There are some performances you just don’t want for public consumption. A lot depends on the quality of the recording, too.
MSJ: If you were a superhero, what music person would be your arch nemesis and why?
I’ve never had an arch nemesis in my life and I hope to never have one, so I’ll pass on this one!
MSJ: If you were to put together your ultimate band (a band you'd like to hear or catch live), who would be in it and why?
Sufjan Stevens for his creativity and uniqueness, Chris Thile for his virtuosity and Jeff Buckley (who is sadly no longer with us, of course) for his voice.
MSJ: If you were in charge of assembling a music festival and wanted it to be the ultimate one from your point of view who would be playing?
I’m probably repeating myself a little but I’d love to go to a music festival where Sufjan Stevens, Punch Brothers, Nickel Creek and Peter Gabriel were all on the bill.
MSJ: What was the last CD you bought and/or what have you been listening to lately?
The last album I bought was Kid A by Radiohead, so I’ve been listening to that as well as an album called “Planetarium” by Sufjan Stevens, Nico Muhly, Bryce Dessner, James McAlister.
MSJ: Have you read any good books lately?
I am in the middle of The Hidden Life of Trees. It is about how trees can communicate with each other - fascinating.
MSJ: What about the last concert you attended for your enjoyment?
I saw Elizabeth and the Catapult recently, and she was excellent - love all of her albums.
MSJ: Do you remember the first concert you attended?
It was a double bill – Wilson Phillips and Richard Marx, and I loved it!
MSJ: Have you come across any new gear recently that you love?
I do love my Shure in-ear monitor system for live performance! Other than that, I’m not a huge gear-head!
MSJ: Do you have a musical “guilty pleasure?”
I am really digging Meghan Trainor’s new song, "No Excuses." It has an infectious groove and it’s really great to drive to!
MSJ: What has been your biggest Spinal Tap moment?
I was playing The Baker’s Wife in the musical "Into the Woods," and towards the end of the show, a fake dead body is supposed to be thrown from the “Giant,” who is above the stage. The whole cast is looking up waiting for the body to drop, but the body got caught on a piece of rigging, so we had 15 actors waiting for the body to fall. We all looked down expecting the body to be on the ground, but it was stuck (hovering in mid-air for all the audience to see), and we all just looked back up. Of course, we had to carry on with the show without laughing. But it was definitely a Spinal Tap, Stonehenge moment!
MSJ: If you could sit down to dinner with any three people, living or dead, for food and conversation, with whom would you be dining?
I am such an introvert that the thought of having three of my heroes at my dinner table makes me incredibly nervous! I wouldn’t even know what to ask them!
MSJ: Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?


What would be on the menu?


A gluten free, dairy free, soy free feast with a Petit Filet Mignon!


Are there any closing thoughts you would like to get out there?

To anyone who has heard my music, thank you for listening! If you haven’t listened to Remedium yet, give it a try!


MSJ: This interview  is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2018  Volume 4. More information and purchase links can be found at:
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