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Five Finger Death Punch

Live in Chicago, 2011

Review by Mike and Kat Heitzman

With a hyped up crowd in great anticipation, Five Finger Death Punch took the stage with the song, “Over and Under It,” and the crowd was swept into a frenzy in the close quarters of the Riviera in uptown Chicago. This was definitely the band everyone was there to see.

They played many of their new hit songs and announced that their CD sold over 100,000 copies the first week it was out. This band has such an intense following that could only be compared to Metallica. Each member with their own look and talent bring something amazing to the stage. Their song, “American Capitalist,” was paired with a background of advertisements similar to those in China with their heavily lit-in your face ads. Even though the band had been sick for almost a week they played with the ferocity you would expect from listening to their new CD, American Capitalist. If you have not seen this band live, what are you waiting for? And if you have not picked up their new CD, you are missing out. You can also find that CD review here at Music Street Journal.

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Kat Heitzman
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2012  Volume 1 at
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