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Tom Wavra

Back in the Day

Review by Gary Hill

This is an intriguing EP. The mix of sounds is rather unique. It ranges from folk music to country, Southern rock and other roots type sounds that seem to go well together. The thing is, it has progressive rock leanings at times. hints of jazz and jam band sounds at play, too. That makes for an interesting musical stew. I'd like to hear more from this artist, but then again, they say you should leave them wanting more. So, I guess Mr. Wavra was successful.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 3 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Back in the Day
There is a lot of folk music in the mix here, along with country. It feels rather DIY in some ways. Acoustic guitar is the main instrument as this gets underway, but some piano comes in later. Then further down the road it gets electrified and takes on a real country rock vibe as it does. The more full band arrangement feels more polished.
Heard It in the Wind
The folk rocking sounds on this work well. This is an energetic tune that has some real magic built into it. There are also some hints of jazz in the mix.
State of Mind
Now, this  is a fast-paced rocker that almost brings some progressive rock to the table. That's particularly true of the instrumental section that gets into almost early Yes meets fusion zones. It still has plenty of elements that tie it to the first two tracks, though.
Summer in the Delta
There is both a down-home vibe and hints of something Steve Howe might do on this instrumental piece. It's another with some definite hints of progressive rock. It's also a highlight of the set.

This number has a real southern rock angle to it. It's high-energy and a lot of fun. It makes me think of Little Feat to a small degree. It's another winner.

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