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Various Artists

Ram On: 50th Anniversary Tribute To Paul & Linda McCartney's Ram

Review by Gary Hill

Let me start this by saying that I've never heard the original Ram album. I dig the Beatles and McCartney with Wings, but I never got any of this solo stuff before Wings. So, I'm coming at a lot of these songs as the first time hearing them. Taken that way, this is a strong set from start to finish with some highlights and only one song that is a bit under-par. This set features a lot of musicians, but there are some names that stand out for me - Fernando Perdomo, Davey Johnstone, Mark Murdock, Dave Kerzner and Carnie Wilson top that list.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2022  Volume 1. More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
Too Many People feat. Dan Rothchild
The verse sections of this have a great dreamy vibe, while the more rocking choruses lean toward arena rock. This is a tasty slab of rock goodness.
3 Legs feat. The Dirty Diamond & Durga McBroom
There is a real soulful groove to this number. It has a blues angle to it for sure. There are some down-home elements at play, too.
Ram On feat. Pat Sansone
A down-home, folky kind of romp, this is fun stuff.
Dear Boy feat. Adrian Bourgeois
A classy rock groove is at the core of this number. It is bouncy and packed full of tasty layers of sound.
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey feat. Bebopalula
This classic hit song gets a tasty, and fairly faithful retelling here. I've always liked this one a lot, and this version does it justice. It has some great twists and turns and really works so well. Fernando Perdomo provides acoustic guitar and effects on this piece.
Smile Away feat. Timmy Sean
A harder rocking stomper, this is just so cool. It still manages to have a bouncy, catchy vibe. It's one of my favorites of the set. Perdomo is back here, contributing electric guitar. Davey Johnstone also plays electric guitar and also does slide guitar. Mark Murdock adds his tambourine to the mix.
Heart Of The Country feat. Dan Rothchild
I love the down-home, rather bluesy rocking groove to this tune. It's catchy and fun. Perdomo contributes acoustic and baritone guitar to this number.
Monkberry Moon Delight feat. Timmy Sean
Another harder rocking tune, this is so strong. It has some great grooves and a solid energy. Dave Kerzner adds mellotron and organ to the mix on this one.
Eat At Home feat, Dead Rock West
A classic rock introduction brings this into being. The cut has some cool riffing and rocks well. It's a lot more old school rock and roll. I really dig the piano work on this. The whole tune has a lot of 50s rock at its heart.
Long Haired Lady feat. Rob Bonfiglio & Carnie Wilson
A classic groove is at the heart of this. The cut has some country edges amidst a more rock-based concept. I like this, but it's not one of the standouts here.
Ram On (Reprise) feat. Pat Sansone
This short reprise is all class.
Backseat Of My Car feat. Brentley Gore
I'm not enthused with this song. The vocals don't work that well for me. The standard rock vibe isn't interesting enough to make up for that shortcoming. If there's a song I'd skip, it's this one. That said, I'm not sure it's skip-worthy, but it is the weak point here. The whole arrangement seems a little over the top, too. Fernando Perdomo goes all out on this one, playing guitars, mellotron and other keyboards and percussion.
Another Day feat. Gordon Michaels
This bouncy rocker is a lot of fun, and I really like it. I'd consider this a highlight of the set. It's so catchy.
Oh Woman Oh Why feat. Eric Dover & Lauren Leigh
I dig the blues rock groove of this tune. It's a killer tune with a great vocal arrangement, classy hooks and more> Lauren Leigh's powerful vocals are really one of the best things about this tune. Given how good the whole thing is, that says a lot. Fernando Perdomo plays electric guitar. Dave Kerzner contributes organ and Mark Murdock plays shaker on this tune.
Too Many People (Slight Return) feat. Dan Rotchild
This fades upward into a killer psychedelic jam. It never really develops, though, standing as a brief piece of tasty weirdness. Perdomo plays electric and acoustic guitar, mellotron and piano on this.



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