Fluid Minds
 The (as) Mixtape
 Review by Travis Jensen
Every once in awhile, an individual artist or band of talented musicians come along and change the pace for what may be the mainstream for music at the time. Some become the forefathers of a certain style of music and become legendary; Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Bee Gee’s, Metallica and Nirvana just to name a few. Although Fluid Minds aren’t legendary…yet, they do have a style of their own that could catch fire and become the band to follow for the next several years.
For those of you who are familiar with the popular late night television show Adult swim, you may not be aware of it, but in all probability, you have heard some Fluid Minds music. This particular TV show has what are called “bumps”, in which musical clips are run. These “bumps” feature several of the group’s demos. For those wanting a taste of this intricate ear-candy, you can go to CDBABY.com to get yourself a copy of the latest album, or their first CD, Love in Analog which also comes highly recommended by yours truly or just check them out fluidmindsmusic.com for a free live album download.
The driving force behind this Midwest magical trio is John Gray. Although he and his counterpart Frank Clayton had been jamming together for many years prior, the band didn’t come together officially until May of 2005 when Boston native Christian Rogala completed what would become the missing link in the Fluid Minds machine…a very well oiled machine I might add. When I first heard The (as) Mixtape, I tried to put my finger on exactly what I was listening to. Was it rap, jazz or funk? Was it a combination of all three, or was it something from another world in a distant galaxy? I wasn’t exactly sure, so I listened to it some more, and what I did figure out is that it was like nothing else that I had heard before. It is very mystical and yes, very “fluid” as well. I went into some form of musical transcendental meditation, if you will, as one song went into the next.
This review is available in book format (hardcover and paperback) in Music Street Journal: 2008 Volume 1 at lulu.com/strangesound.