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Jason Blake

Radiant Dusk

Review by Gary Hill

I have covered a lot of music from Jason Blake. The Warr guitar player delivers quality music. This new double CD features two albums of instrumental music. The second leans more on the rock side, just a bit, while the first is more guitar only. Both are reflective of the kind of thing I expect from Blake.

This review is available in book (paperback and hardcover) form in Music Street Journal: 2024  Volume 2 More information and purchase links can be found at:

Track by Track Review
CD One
Radiant Dusk
An Aversion to Fervor

Fast paced bass string work gets this going and holds it with an intriguing jam that threatens to explode outward. As this shifts it takes on a King Crimson Red vibe for a time. Other vibe take over beyond that point.

Without a Murmur
I like the interplay and progression on this number a lot. It's a classy piece that, while not a big departure, is its own number.      
Misplaced Moments
In some ways, this isn't a huge change. It gets more involved, though, and purely proggy as it develops later.
Radiant Dusk
The title track has a cool ambient yet moving arrangement that works well. It's again not a big departure but very cool.
A Perverse Rumination
This turns a little more driving later. It has plenty of intricate patterns of sound, too. While not a paradigm shift, this does seem to expand the envelope a little.
What May Ensue
I really dig the guitar melodies on this track. It's another seems to bring something a little different to the table. I think this might be my favorite piece on this first CD of the set.
Trivial Colloquy
Somehow this feels a little more "song-like." It's has a cool energy and a bit of a groove to it. Yet, it's still in keeping with the rest of the album.
Seemingly Quixotic
This has a cool flowing groove and intriguing energy and sound built into it.
An Errant Pawn
Again, this is not a big change from much of the album, but it is an effective piece.
At Last Resolve
I really love some of the intricate lines of melody on this track a lot. There is a bit of grounding element at play, too.
CD Two
Slightly Different Paths
Slightly Different Paths

This feels more rocking than anything on the first disc did. It has a great energetic groove and percussion brings something extra to this. It's more of a real prog rock instrumental. Yet it does still share some musical space with the first CD's material.

Without a Murmur
Somehow a little closer to the first album, this still has more of a "song" quality to it.
An Errant Pawn
Much more driving and rocking, this is a pure work of class. It has a definite King Crimson vibe. It's one of my favorite pieces here.
Radiant Dusk
This version of the piece works well. I think I might prefer this to the song on the first CD.
An Aversion to Fervor
This one is definitely more rocking and very cool. It's a cool number.
Trivial Colloquy
More purely prog based, this has a more intriguing arrangement and mix of sounds. It's intricate and classy.
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