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March 2025 - Issue 167
Progressive Rock CD Reviews
Tim Arnold - Super Connected
Beledo - Flotando en el vacio
Bill Bruford - Best Of Bill Bruford: The Winterfold & Summerfold Years
Luca Calabrese - I Shin Den Shin
Alex Carpani - The Good Man
Days Between Stations - Perpetual Motion Machines
Joe Deninzon - & Stratospheerius - Impostor!
District 97 - Live for the End
Jon Durant - Momentarily
Genesis - The Way We Walk, Volume One: The Shorts
Hawkwind - Live at the Royal Albert Hall
King Crimson - Sheltering Skies (Live In Fréjus, August 27th 1982)
Rob Massard - Old Soul
Tim Morse - Soundtracks
Quinsin Nachoff - Stars and Constellations
Nektar - Journey To The Centre Of The Eye (Two CD Remastered & Expanded Edition)
Quartet Diminished - Deerand
Ed Rawlings - A Foolish Inconsistency
Robeone - Optimistica
Neal Rosner - Kentucky
Michael Shrieve - Drums of Compassion
Claudio Simonetti's Goblin - Fear: The Ultimate Anthology
Son of Man - Gaslight
3Below - Live in Mérida
Theo Travis - Aeolus: One Hour Duduk Meditation
Various Artists - Ring The Bells & Sing: Progressive Sounds Of 1975
Rick Wakeman - Yessonata
Warhorse - The Recordings 1970 – 1974
Jennifer Wharton’s Bonegasm - Grit & Grace
Mark Wingfield - The Gathering
Metal/Prog Metal CD Reviews
Harakiri for the Sky - Scorched Earth
Meshuggah - Obzen
Necronomicon - The Final Chapter
Thor - Ride of the Iron Horse
Warrior - The Complete Sessions
Non-Prog CD Reviews
Arkansauce - OK to Wonder
Julian Talamantez Brolaski - It's Okay Honey
Sara Caswell - The Way to You
Sanford Clark - Rocks
The Dorsey Brothers Orchestra - All The Hits And More 1928-35
Florencia & the Feeling - Birthday
Mike Jones Trio - Are You Sure You Three Guys Know What You’re Doing?
Bai Kamara Jr. & The Voodoo Sniffers - Traveling Medicine Man
Joshua Lassi - The Only Thing That Hasn't Changed
Brian May (Australia) - The Quest / The True Story Of Eskimo Nell
MOTU - The Water Is High: Songs of Love, Lies, And Freedom
Thomas Charlie Pedersen - Employees Must Wash Hands
Bruno Råberg - Look Inside - solo bass
The Refugees - California
The Rolling Stones - Welcome to Shepherd’s Bush
Run Katie Run - Cowboy Boots With Fishnet Tights
Various Artists - Destination Jail (31 Prison Songs From Behind The Bars)
Various Artists - Heavy Kraut! Teil 2
Various Artists - On the Dancefloor with a Twist Again
Various Artists - The Devil Rides In - Spellbinding Satanic Magick & The Rockult 1966-1974
Michael Vincent - Electric Fox
Mark Witt - Infinity Smile
DVD/Video Reviews
Ginger Baker's Air Force - What A Day Beatclub 1970 DVD/CD
The B-52s - Live At Us Festival DVD
The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Live in Houston Blu-Ray
Todd Rundgren - Healing Live Blu-Ray
Santana - Live At The US Festival DVD
Book Reviews
Various Artists
Member Area Access
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News View All News
12/14/2024 - RIP to MSJ Contributor Lisa Palmeno
03/15/2024 - Collection of Fiction about AI is Published
02/29/2024 - New Books from Elizabeth Lynn Blackson Published
02/08/2024 - New Books from Elizabeth Lynn Blackson Coming
11/28/2023 - The Holiday Season is Going to Get Spooky This Weekend
11/27/2023 - Christmas Based Horror Book Published
11/02/2023 - The Holiday Season is Going to Get Spooky in Rockford, Illinois
10/06/2023 - Music Based Horror Book Published
09/04/2023 - Tales of Wonder and Dread Marks Anniversary With New Books
08/14/2023 - Tales of Wonder and Dread To Mark Anniversary With New Books
Member News

The members only area includes video and audio of featured artists, an audio podcast by Bill Bruford, quite a few audio interviews including Tony Levin, Ray Manzarek of The Doors, Gary Holt of Exodus, Steve Morse, Dave Brock of Hawkwind, Eric Bloom of Blue Oyster Cult and many more and a massive concert photo gallery featuring thousands of photos of such bands as Judas Priest, Queensryche, Rush,  Dream Theater, Heaven and Hell, WASP, Queensryche, Styx, Spock's Beard, Hawkwind, Uriah Heep, Magma, Alice Cooper, Yes and many, many more. Check out the register button above to get your membership or log in at the top of the page if you've already got your membership. This section will be updated on a very regular basis, so be part of it so you don't miss out. You even get the chance to read exclusive blogs from featured bands and you can ask them questions and get their responses.  If you want a peek inside the members area - check out this link. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page. The latest items added to our members area are concert galleries of Judas Priest, Queensryche, The Winery Dogs and Mr. Big.

MSJ News
Music Street Journal is not affiliated with Music Submit in any way. We do not accept submissions from them ever.

Starting in 2025 we will be publishing four issues per year – one every three months. March, June, September and December.

Check Out Gary Hill's YouTube Channel for Music Street Journal videos, and much more:

Expedited Reviews

With a lot of music coming in for review, it can take a while for a release to get covered. Since half of every issue has to be progressive rock, that delay can be even longer for those items that don't fit that category. So, that prompted the addition of expedited reviews (something offered by a number of publications in one form or another). Expedited reviews cost 40 dollars (for a single album - double albums are 80 and EPs of four tracks or less and singles are 20) and guarantee that a review will make the cut to be published in the next issue (as long as that issue is at least 19 days away). In addition, the usual requirement of physical review copies is waived, allowing artists to submit digital versions. It does not buy any kind of banner ad or other promotion at the site. Nor does it guarantee a positive review, but Music Street Journal doesn’t publish reviews that are more negative than positive. Please note that we also won't publish a review of an item that is offensive in terms of being derogatory to the point of being obnoxious toward one or more groups of people. We won't promote cyber bullying in that regard. We reserve the right to determine what the acceptable level is.

In other words, what this option does is allow artists to send a digital copy and make sure they get pushed to the front of the line for review. NOTE that this does not allow for reviews for streaming only review copies. However, for an additional charge of 40 dollars we will do an expedited review with streaming only materials. That's the ONLY circumstance where we accept streaming only review copies.

email for more information, OR just use the registration link at the top right of the main page of the site to pay for your expedited review. Note that the registration link only has the option for single album reviews. For singles, EPs or double albums, please email to make arrangements. Be sure to include your contact email when setting up the payment and we'll contact you to get the ball rolling from there.

The simple answer is we review any type of music - but there are a few caveats to that. It needs to be available to the public (there's no sense telling someone how great something is if they can't get it). It needs to be in the same form the public gets - that way we can review the same item. Since all our album reviews include a track by track section, that's particularly true. We need to like it. We don't do negative reviews for a couple reasons. First, no one goes out of his or her way to make a bad album. Just because we don't like it doesn't mean it wasn't a valiant effort. Secondly, and more importantly, we get hit with so much good stuff that we can't always get to it quickly. It just doesn't make sense to waste our time (and our readers' time) doing negative reviews when there is good stuff out there waiting to be reviewed.
Beyond that, we have a physical only requirement. That means it has to be a physical release to the public and we have to have a physical review copy (there are a couple exceptions to that rule - just keep reading). We no longer accept CDrs because we had some problems with some recent ones that became a lot of extra work. We do waive the "physical only" requirement in a couple of instances. First, we offer expedited reviews. Those cost 40 dollars for an album and 20 dollars for a single. With those we waive the physical only requirement and it guarantees the review will make the next issue (as long as it comes in with at least 16 days left until next issue - and sometimes we can fit them in with less time than that.) The expedited review is sometimes a really good idea for things that don't fit under progressive rock. That's because we started as a prog only publication and although we expanded from that, we still keep each issue half progressive rock in honor of the readers who have been with us from the start. That means that if something isn't prog or heavy metal we are currently recommending that you don't send it as the delay is up to  a year or more before it can get covered because of the backlog. For anything not progressive rock or heavy metal, the recommendation is expedited review.
OK, I mentioned another way besides expedited reviews that we allow digital copies. That's Supreme Level Sponsorships. With those you get a LOT of stuff. Several banner ads in the rotation slots, you can have gig dates and press releases posted to the site (up to six per week - no hyperlinks or photos, though) just by emailing them to us. Please see below for more information about Supreme Level Sponsorship.

Please note that while we do our best to get to each and every item we get sent, there is no guarantee of coverage (and especially of coverage within any time frame) except for expedited reviews. Also, with the Supreme Level Sponsorship expedited reviews, it's still possible that an item won't get covered. That happens in the rare instance where we can't do a positive review of the item because we don't do negative reviews.

New Ad Rates -

Check this video for an idea of what each level of advertising/sponsorship gets you.

A single banner ad is now $35 for one year. That includes one ad placement in one of three banner rotation slots on the site. These slots show up on nearly every page of the site.

Basic Level Sponsorship is now $45 per year. This includes everything you get with a single banner ad, but you also get a log in to the posting area of the site. That lets you post press releases and gig dates that show up on the main page of the site.

Friend Level Sponsorship is now $55 per year. It gives you everything that's included in the Basic Level Sponsorship, but in addition you get a second banner slot (either two locations for the same banner or you can do two different banners in the same or different slots - your call).

Mentor Level Sponsorship is now $65 per year. It includes the same things as the basic level, but instead of one banner ad you get three. You can do the same ad in all three slots of the site or three different ads in different - or the same slot - it's up to you.

Special Mentor Level Sponsorship is now $75 per year. It includes the same things as the basic level, but instead of one banner ad you get four. You can split them anyway you like between the three slots of the site or put them all in the same slot - it's up to you.

Extreme Mentor Level Sponsorship is now $85 per year. It includes the same things as the basic level, but instead of one banner ad you get five. You can split them anyway you like between the three slots of the site or put them all in the same slot - it's up to you.

Supreme Mentor Level Sponsorship is now $95 per year. It includes the same things as the basic level, but instead of one banner ad you get six. You can split them anyway you like between the three slots of the site or put them all in the same slot - it's up to you.

Supreme Level Sponsorship is now $375 per year. This includes six banner ad rotation slots and we'll post your press releases and event dates, you just email them to us and we'll post them for you - within a week (up to six per week) Please note, press releases will be published without hyperlinks and must be sent specifically marked for publication. . Also, we waive the "physical only" requirement for review copies for Supreme Level Sponsors for up to eight releases per issue (32 per year) essentially making those expedited reviews. We also offer a six month version for $275 (obviously that allows a max of 16 expedited reviews instead of 32) and $175 for one issue (two months).

Please note that you need to provide your own banners - jpg format ($10 additional charge for using a gif) 120-180 width by 120-640 height. If you don't have a banner ask us about designing one for you. The service is available for an additional charge.

Email us at to get your ad going as soon as possible.

Be Our Friend, Our Follower Or Our Fan

You can find Music Street Journal on Myspace -

You can also be our fan on Facebook -

We are also on Google+

Press Release Publication Service:

We are now offering a press release publication service. You can have your press release posted to our "News" section. Mind you, this is talking about just having us publish them as you email them. There are other options to give you a log in and allow you to post them yourself. Email us at musicstreetjournal at for information about those options - or look at the sponsorship section above for some of those options (there is a free option, too). Beyond the self publishing option, the price for publishing a press release (without hyperlinks) is twenty five dollars. Press releases with hyperlinks (they are labor intensive to set up and not all hyperlinks will work) are one hundred dollars. Note that photos don't work in the press releases. Also, please note that you can get a Supreme Level Sponsorship - see above - which will get you up to six press releases per week published. Email us at musicstreetjournal at for more information - please use "press release publication" as your subject line.

Music Street Journal - Membership Has Its 

A membership to Music Street Journal gets you all sorts of great things. With well over two hundred bands to stream, dozens of massive photo archives and a number of audio interviews you'll find it's well worth 25 dollars a year - or six bucks for a month. You also get to read the book The Strange Sound of Cthulhu - Music Inspired by the Writings of H. P. Lovecraft there.

Just go to the log in box on this main page and hit the "click to register" button to stop missing out.

Bands, you can also buy banner ads and sponsorships at the same place - or if you just want to contribute to the site with a donation to help keep the lights on, you can do that there, too.

Thanks for the month
Thanks for the issue: Baal Brain, Charles Brown, Stephan Kaske, Ron LeSaar, Dirk Jan Müller, Sepp Osley, Sohl Osley, Sean Peck, Paul Pott, Ben Riley,  Billy Sherwood,, Chipster PR, Cuneiform Records, The End Records, Glass Onyon PR, InsideOut America, Jensen Communications, Kayos Productions, Magna Carta Records, Mazur PR, Nuclear Blast, Papago Records, Sony, SPV, Think Tank Media,Tinderbox Music, Virgin Records, WRIC Media, Bret Adams, Jeff Albright, Kymm Britton, Amanda Cagan, Kevin Chiaramonte, Joel Craig, Kim Davis, Dave at Earsplit PR, Andrew Demarest,  Damon Eames, Jon Freeman, Bobbie Gale, Dustin Goldfarb, Mike Greenblatt, Neil Greenwood, Chris Hacker, Dan Hanley, Samantha Haycock, Meghan Helsel, Matthew Ingham, Billy James, Mark James, Just Johnny of Rock The Hungry, Tziona Katz, Carol Kaye, Lauren Kirkland, Agnieszka Kulpiska of Metal Mind Productions (Poland), Lise Blackford, Brenda Bradley, Amanda Charney, Ryan Dawson, John Lappen, Anne Leighton, Melissa Levine, Bari Lieberman, Christine Mackie, Cary Mansfield, Michael Mazur, James Moore, Brian Roche, Chip Ruggieri, Steve Ryan, Amy Sciarretto, Alex Steininger of In Music We Trust, Susan Stewart, TJ Tauriello, Monte Von Struck, Stephanie Watanabe, Clint Weiler, Ben Williams, Drew Willis, Jonathan Wolfson, John Pierpoint, Ed Unitsky and Greg Johnson.

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   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    © 2025 Music Street Journal                                                                           Site design and programming by Studio Fyra, Inc./